1.Mr Deripaska's Norilsk Nickel bid now looks to have been a takeover bid too far.
2.But now that Rio is the subject of a hostile takeover bid from BHP, it has taken the lead on aggressive pricing.
3.Don't worry about how the Chairman might react to the takeover bid; there's plenty of fight left in him.
4.Many saw China's decision in March to reject a takeover bid by Coca-Cola for a Chinese juice company as a bad omen.
5.He became chief executive in 1999 after a failed takeover bid for his bank, which he says "was a big kick up the backside" .
6.Local rules would then prohibit him from stakebuilding without making a full takeover bid.
7.A few months after Rio bought Alcan, BHP approached Rio with an audacious takeover bid worth some $135 billion.
8.Cadbury, a venerable chocolate-maker, is just the latest household name to be swallowed by foreigners after a hostile takeover bid.
9.The Spanish government saw off a German takeover of Endesa, a utility, but eventually gave in to a joint takeover bid led by Italians.
10.You may decide that you don't want to be part of this takeover bid for the world.